Friday, July 20, 2007

my first trip to the E.R.

hey there. well just got home from the hospital. had an accident at the lake tonight, and thought i broke my left hand (not good, by the way). the hand crank on the trailer went crazy as the boat was backing up in the water, i got distracted and forgot to unhook the damn clip from the nose of the boat, i turned around and the handle slammed onto the top of my hand. it kinda hurt.
so what did i do, did i go to the E.R.? nope, the boat was in the water so we had to go out. got lots of ice for my hand and away we went. after we finished my hand really started to hurt, so i decide to get some x-rays. thought that i would be there in the E.R. for hours but was there only for an hour, so i was happy about that. there were some people who were getting checked out in much worse shape than i was. i will get the bill in about a week, hopefully insurance covers a large sum of the total bill.
was a little nervous about what would happen if i did break my hand, but don't have to worry about it now. but i now have a bonehead story involving the boat. dad and his sunken boat in the mccall harbor, tom and the diesel fuel incident(by far the best story), then me. who is next? hope everyone is well.


Anonymous said...

nice job, DB. too bad i wasn't there to witness the fiasco. your ins. probably won't cover anything but a paercentage of your bill. I could have taken your xrays for free at the office and analyzed them, duhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Anonymous said...

Too bad dave, hope your hand feels better - I only have a story with the truck and the house...


Sheri said...

sorry davey. hope you hand heals fast! is it bruised pretty bad?

Lookhart Photography said...

wow dave.... way to go blaisdell boys!!! hope your hand gets better soon!!!

Anonymous said...

let it be known that one blaisdell boy hasn't done something stupid with the boat, yet he's given the most hassle for bringing it out....